The Woman Who Walked in Sunshine

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მხოლოდ 1 ცალია მარაგში

SKU: 35370 კატეგორია:

Mma Ramotswe, the proprietress of the No 1. Ladies’ Detective Agency, is not one to sit about. Her busy life gives her little time for relaxation (apart from the drinking of tea, of course). Nonetheless, she is convinced by co-director Mma Makutsi to take a holiday. But Mma Ramotswe finds it impossible to resist the temptation to follow the cases taken on by Mma Makutsi, and to interfere in them – secretly, she intends . . .

This leads her to delve into the past of a famous man whose reputation has been called into question, and to join forces with a new assistant detective (and part-time science teacher), Mr. Polopetsi. While ‘on holiday’ Mma Ramotswe also manages to help a young boy named Samuel in the search for his missing mother; and then of course there is the agency’s arch-enemy Violet Sephotho, scheming to set up a rival secretarial college.

Lessons must be learned, whether we are willing or not, and in the end Mma Ramotswe finds that a little trust goes a long way, especially when it comes to having confidence in our dearest friends and colleagues.