Turn of the Screw
34,00 ₾
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144 |
9781839402319 |
მხოლოდ 1 ცალია მარაგში
კატეგორია: მხატვრული ლიტერატურა
How can I retrace today the strange steps of my obsession…
The Turn of the Screw tells the tale of an unnamed governess who lives with her two charges in an isolated country house. After living for a while in blissful harmony, the governess begins to spy ghostly apparitions roaming the grounds. She becomes obsessed with these figures that only she can see, and strives to protect the children from their malevolent designs. But the situation soon begins to spiral out of control.
This uneasy and sinister novella is a genius work of horror fiction, surrounding the terrors that emerge from everyday life.