Gnosis or the Heart of an Angel
30,00 ₾‘A Guide for Seekers of Spiritual Knowledge’ – this is one possible title for Imma’s extensive work, which was written as a four-volume set and offers a truly unique perspective to interested readers. The book Gnosis, or the Heart of an Angel is remarkable both for its theme and content, as well as its style of narration. The author, who herself is a researcher in the natural sciences, employs an interdisciplinary approach to description, drawing from biology, physics, mathematics, philosophy, art, history, and cosmology. This method, in turn, serves to describe and share personal and collective mystical experiences throughout history.
The main theme of the book is the spiritual knowledge about the universe and humanity that once existed but is now lost. Throughout human history, the absence, distortion, or misuse of this knowledge has often led to disastrous consequences over long periods. Therefore, the transmission of spiritual knowledge in these books unfolds under the guidance and continuous supervision of the Light Hierarchy – humanity’s spiritual teachers – through direct contact with them. Using a special ability for dream visions and telepathy, combined with structured and rational analysis, the author systematically introduces us to the spiritual principles of the coexistence and collaboration between the universe and humanity.
Another unique feature of the book is its dialogue with readers: for several years, fragments of the work were published in the Facebook group ‘Gnosis.’ As a result, the reflections of readers on many important issues are included in all four volumes.
Gnosis, or the Heart of an Angel is a special work for those who are on a journey toward acquiring spiritual knowledge. Its appearance and development in the Georgian-speaking space, within this syncretic genre of knowledge, is both interesting and a joyful event.
Звезды с тобой. Современное руководство по астрологии (мягкая обложка)
25,00 ₾Познакомьтесь поближе со звездами, планетами, домами и аспектами и они расскажут о вас все, а также помогут восстановить баланс, выражать основные грани своей личности без негативных последствий, понять себя и окружающих.
Джулиана Маккарти – астролог с более чем двадцатилетнем стажем станет вашим проводником в мир астрологии. Она научит вас искусству чтения натальных карт через мифы и архетипы, а иллюстрации художника Алехандро Карденаса помогут вам интуитивно прочувствовать каждый знак.
გნოზისი ანუ ანგელოზის გული ქართული (წიგნი 1)
30,00 ₾‘გზამკვლევი სულიერი ცოდნის მაძიებელთათვის’ – ასეც შეიძლება ეწოდოს იმმას მრავლისმომცველ ნაშრომს, რომელიც ოთხტომეულად დაიწერა და სრულიად განსაკუთრებულ ხედვას სთავაზობს დაინტერესებულ მკითხველს. წიგნი ‘გნოზისი, ანუ ანგელოზის გული’ განსაკუთრებულია როგორც თემითა და შინაარსით, ასევე თხრობის მანერით. ავტორი, რომელიც თავად საბუნებისმეტყველო მეცნიერებათა მკვლევარია, ბუნებრივად იყენებს აღწერის დისციპლინათაშორის მეთოდს ბიოლოგიის, ფიზიკის, მათემატიკის, ფილოსოფიის, ხელოვნების, ისტორიისა და კოსმოლოგიის მოშველიებით, რომელიც, თავის მხრივ, პიროვნული და ისტორიულ-საკაცობრიო მისტიკური გამოცდილების აღწერასა და გაზიარებას ემსახურება.
წიგნის მთავარი თემაა სამყაროსა და ადამიანზე ერთ დროს არსებული, მაგრამ ამჟამად დაკარგული სულიერი ცოდნა. კაცობრიობის ისტორიაში ამ ცოდნის უქონლობის, გამრუდებისა თუ ბოროტად გამოყენების შემთხვევებს ხშირად მოჰყოლია სავალალო შედეგები ხანგრძლივი პერიოდებით. ამიტომ სულიერი ცოდნის გადმოტანა ამ წიგნებში მიმდინარეობდა ნათელი იერარქიის – კაცობრიობის სულიერი მასწავლებლების უწყვეტი ზედამხედველობითა და მათთან უშუალო კონტაქტით. სიზმარხილვისა და ტელეპათიის განსაკუთრებული უნარის გამოყენებით, რომელსაც მწყობრი და რაციონალური ანალიზი ერთვის, ავტორი თანმიმდევრულად გვაცნობს სამყაროსა და ადამიანის თანაარსებობისა და თანამშრომლობის სულიერ პრინციპებს.
წიგნის კიდევ ერთი თავისებურებაა აზრთა მიმოცვლა მკითხველთან: რამდენიმე წლის განმავლობაში ნაშრომის ფრაგმენტები ქვეყნდებოდა ფეისბუკ ჯგუფ ‘გნოზისში.’ შესაბამისად, მკითხველის ნააზრევი ბევრ საჭირბოროტო საკითხზე ოთხივე ტომშია შეტანილი.
იმმას ‘გნოზისი ანუ ანგელოზის გული’ განსაკუთრებული ნაშრომია სულიერი ცოდნის მოპოვების გზაზე შემდგარი მგზავრისთვის. ქართულენოვან სივრცეში კი ამ სინკრეტული შემეცნებითი ჟანრის გამოჩენა-განვითარება საინტერესო და სასიხარულო მოვლენაა.
Modern Guides to Ancient Wisdom: Meditation for Balance
32,00 ₾The past is a story, the future is a mystery, but the present is your life – so learn to live it your way. Meditation, with a little practice, will get you there.
With 50 simple meditations that you can use at home or on the go, in everyday situations, your path to peace is just a deep breath away.
Find Your Power: Mindfulness
28,00 ₾Empower yourself to quiet your busy mind, this is your practical guide to finding inner calm in a frantic world.
Find Your Power: Mindfulness shows you simple, yet powerful practices that you can integrate into your daily life; helping you to break the vicious cycle of stress, exhaustion, unhappiness and anxiety.
Many of us find it difficult to simply appreciate the present moment, whether we dwell on the past, worry about the future and moving mindlessly from one instant to the next. When we are not being mindful, we miss out on the small moments that are often valuable. This indispensable guide will help you find the joy of looking forward to something new each day, the kind of happiness that gets into your soul and allows you to face the worst that everyday life can throw at you with new courage.
Find Your Power: Meditation
28,00 ₾Are you struggling to still your mind? Discover the power of meditation and gently focus your mind for a happier and healthier life.
You may already know that meditation and mindfulness can increase focus, reduce stress, quiet the mind and improve your health. However, focus and tranquillity can become difficult as we face numerous challenges, especially in a world where technological advances have consumed our daily lives. As a result, we spend less time looking inward.
Take a mindful adventure of self-discovery with Find Your Power: Meditations; a journey towards health, happiness and wholeness. Towards strength, peace and freedom. Towards becoming fully and fearlessly who you are. Explore meditations that will guide you to a sacred space, that sacred space within you.
When you transform your inner world, you will transform your outer world. More importantly, you will discover the unshakable happiness you have been looking for.
Find Your Power: Manifest
28,00 ₾What is manifesting exactly? Essentially, manifestation is creating your life as you would like it to be, it is being a creative force in your own life.
Everyday life can bring its own trials and tribulations, and with it an abundance of stress. It makes sense that we are looking for meaning, and perhaps even direction, Find Your Power: Manifesting is an indispensable guide for anyone seeking and wanting to feel empowered in their lives.
This guide will help unlock the conscience power we have to create our lives as we would like to live and experience them in simple, easy steps.
There is no time like the present to start your journey of self-discovery and realize that you have the potential to turn your dreams into reality.
Find Your Power: Numerology
28,00 ₾The power of numerology opens your eyes to the importance of numbers in everyday life, this spiritually charged intel can be used as an influential self-help tool.
You already believe, at least a little bit, in numerology, if you have a lucky number or think there’s truth to expressions like, “bad things happen in threes.” Either way, it’s hard to deny that numerical patterns seem to present themselves to us in spiritual ways. Numerology is an ancient spiritual science that states all things carry a unique vibration including human being, and modern numerology can be used as a powerful self-help tool that can provide insight and direction.
Find Your Power: Numerology is an essential guide for personal growth and empowerment, it will help you highlight your strengths and suggest ways to navigate your weaknesses. See your life in a holistic perspective so that you can plan your goals, master the big-life transitions, regain control, and see when you feel like life is throwing you lemons, so that you can get back up.
Find Your Power: Tarot
29,00 ₾The tarot cards are often seen as a mirror of what you are experiencing in your life. When a card comes up in a reading, it encourages you to look inside yourself to look for areas where this may resonate.
Using Tarot for personal growth helps you to tap into your unconscious – the wise, intuitive part of you. Tarot provides the space you need to dig deep and reflect on what’s happening in the present moment, rather than getting lost in the past or future.
Find Your Power: Tarot will show you how to harness your inner power, help you see where your true potential lies and most importantly, it will show you that it is always possible to make a change and create a life you love. Use this book to articulate and uncover those hidden abilities by giving you a new perspective of yourself. It can also help you direct your energy towards your goals, or even to give them more clarity.
In Focus: Meditation
35,00 ₾Author Jacqueline Towers expertly explains the history and multiple branches of the ancient practice of meditation, as well as how to extend your knowledge, make spiritual connections, obtain spiritual protection—and just relax.
Included inside the back cover is a set of 7 beautifully illustrated reference cards that provide quick-and-easy guided meditations and mindfulness exercises.
With our lives a hectic combination of work and family responsibilities, planning events, and building personal relationships, we are on overdrive for the better part of each day. Add in the impossible task of keeping up in our social media lives, it’s no wonder we are stressed out and yearning for spiritual meaning.
In Focus Meditation begins with an introduction to meditation, followed by details about meditation equipment and the history of meditation. A wide breadth of meditation topics are covered:
Spiritual guide and angelic
Emotional or psychological
Spirit and totem animals
The In Focus series applies a modern approach to teaching the classic body, mind, and spirit subjects. Authored by experts in their respective fields, these beginner’s guides feature smartly designed visual material that clearly illustrates key topics within each subject. As a bonus, each book includes reference cards or a poster, held in an envelope inside the back cover, that give you a quick, go-to guide containing the most important information on the subject.
In Focus: Dreams
35,00 ₾Based on ancient traditions and wisdom from around the world, In Focus Dreams teaches you how to understand your dreams and tap into their power in order to conquer your fears and improve your life.
This accessible and beautifully designed guide includes a frameable poster of the most common dream symbols and their meanings.
Dreams can titillate or terrify, but most of the time they baffle or bewilder. This must-have handbook explains their scientific and personal importance and offers the keys to unlock their secrets. An easy-to-use directory of symbols points to the true meanings of dream objects and includes modern items such as smartphones, computers, and other technology. To help you access the transformative power of your dreams, you’ll discover:
the history of interpreting dreams
essential sleep hygiene principles
how to create a sleep sanctuary
effective relaxation practices
the benefits of essential oils and aromatherapy
how to work with a dream journal
tips for better dream recall
the power of lucid dreaming
All of which will help you achieve better sleep, physical health, and emotional well-being. If you love thinking about and sharing your dreams, this book will give you all the tools you need to talk meaningfully about them. Combining elegance and expertise, this is your essential modern guide to an ancient tradition.
The In Focus series applies a modern approach to teaching the classic body, mind, and spirit subjects. Authored by experts in their respective fields, these beginner’s guides feature smartly designed visual material that clearly illustrates key topics within each subject. As a bonus, each book includes reference cards or a poster, held in an envelope inside the back cover, that give you a quick, go-to guide containing the most important information on the subject.
In Focus: Wicca
35,00 ₾With this beautifully designed and accessible guide, learn the basics of Wicca and how to use it to manifest positive opportunities and events that enrich your life—includes a frameable poster.
Connecting intimately with the cycles of nature, Wicca calls on a rich pantheon of ancient and modern deities, including the transcendent Triple Goddess, and its powerful rituals and spells allow you to channel their energy into your own. This book will show you, by working with the elements and focusing inward, how to create a more magical, powerful way of life, increasing your chances of discovering peace, creating abundance, making friends, and even finding love. Along the way, you’ll discover:
the history of witchcraft
different kinds of witches, their symbols, and tools
how to work with the elements and observe the vital turning points of the year
the power of candles and the moon
how oils, incense, and herbs harness intentions
the basics of spellcasting
Included is an 18 × 24–inch wall poster covering the basics of wiccan magic such as altar arrangement, using candles, and the Wiccan Rede. Combining elegance and expertise, this is your essential modern guide to an ancient tradition.
The In Focus series applies a modern approach to teaching the classic body, mind, and spirit subjects. Authored by experts in their respective fields, these beginner’s guides feature smartly designed visual material that clearly illustrates key topics within each subject. As a bonus, each book includes reference cards or a poster, held in an envelope inside the back cover, that give you a quick, go-to guide containing the most important information on the subject.
Chinese Alchemy
29,00 ₾Here in one slender volume is a basic introduction to Chinese alchemy–a tradition that dates back 5,000 years. Chinese alchemy, largely associated with Taoism, has a recorded history of more than 2,000 years, but traditionally it goes back even further to nearly 3000 BC and the time of the Yellow Emperor. While Western alchemy was concerned with the search for spiritual and material gold, classic Taoist alchemy was a mystical quest for immortality with its aim being union with the Absolute. Jean Cooper describes the history and development of Taoist alchemy, compares it to similar traditions in India and Turkistan, and gives it context by contrasting it with the rationale of the Western hermetic tradition. As she writes in her concluding The whole work of alchemy is summed up in the phrase “To make of the body a spirit and of the spirit a body”. . . . The goal of the Taoist alchemist-mystic was transformation, or perhaps more correctly, transfiguration, of the whole body until it ceases to “be” and is absorbed into and becomes the Tao. This is an essential guide for anyone interested in Chinese legend and lore, Chinese magic and medicine, and Taoism.
Orion Plain & Simple: Crystals
25,00 ₾A practical guide on how crystals can heal, divine the future and enhance psychic powers.
From time immemorial, crystals have been used for healing, and legend has it that people long ago knew how to store information inside these precious stones. How does their incredible magic work? Through this clear, practical guide, discover the many ways crystals can cure physical, emotional, and spiritual problems, divine the future, and enhance psychic powers. See which ones work best to aid meditation and visualisation, clear a room of negative energy, promote creativity, or foresee the future. There’s advice on buying, purifying, and charging the stones, crystal folklore, and a breathtaking gallery full of information.
Other topics covered include:
· Crystal legends and folklore
· Healing with crystals
· Crystals, colours, and chakras
· Birthstones
· Growing your own crystals
· Crystals through the zodiac
· Crystals for anniversaries
A splendid book for the curious and for beginners on the crystal path, Crystals, Orion Plain and Simple is a book that entertains, enlightens and informs.
მიჰყევი ტაროს
27,95 ₾ეს წიგნი შესავალი და საიმედო გზამკვლევია ტაროს სამყაროში. ის დაგეხმარება ტაროს კრეატიულად გამოყენებაში. ტარო კარგი საშუალებაა საკუთარი თავის, ბედისწერისა თუ მომავლის გამოსარკვევად. ეს წიგნი-ბლოკნოტი დაგეხმარება, დააკვირდე შენი ცხოვრების კონკრეტულ სიტუაციას, ჩაინიშნო მნიშვნელოვანი მომენტები, შთაბეჭდილებები და საინტერესო იდეები კი ჩაიწერო. აქვე დაგხვდება სასარგებლო სავარჯიშოები, რეკომენდაციები შესაბამისი მუსიკის შესახებ, პრაქტიკული რჩევები. მიჰყევი ტაროს – ასე შენ სრულიად ახალ, იდუმალ და ჯადოსნურ სამყაროში იმოგზაურებ!