Атлас мира
34,00 ₾Данный Атлас – обзорное картографическое справочное издание, состоящее из более чем 80 современных карт, представляющих все континенты и страны мира. Карты дополнены краткими актуальными сведениями о каждой стране (площадь территории, количество населения, столица, форма правления, официальный язык(и), денежная единица, национальный и конфессиональный состав населения, флаг страны, портрет главы государства). Россия представлена в новых границах: с Донецкой и Луганской Народными республиками, Запорожской и Херсонской областями, Республикой Крым и Севастополем.
Journeys to the Other Side of the World
32,00 ₾From Madagascar and New Guinea to the Pacific Islands and the Northern Territory of Australia, young David Attenborough and his cameraman were aiming to record not just the wildlife, but the way of life of some of the indigenous people of these regions, whose traditions had never been encountered by most of the public before. In the late 1950s onward, following the success of the original Zoo Quest expeditions, Attenborough embarked on further travels in a very different part of the world.
From the land divers of Pentecost Island and the sing-sings of New Guinea, to a Royal Kava ceremony on Tonga and the ancient art of the Northern Territory, it is a journey like no other. Alongside these remarkable cultures he encounters paradise birds, chameleons, sifakas and many more animals in some of the most unique environments on the planet. Written with David Attenborough’s characteristic charm, humor and warmth, Journeys to the Other Side of the World is an inimitable adventure among people, places and the wildest of wildlife.
New Views
60,00 ₾A unique and beautiful collection of fifty maps in which our physical, political and cultural world is visualised, measured and mapped like never before.
From charting energy networks to revealing new and emerging lands, measuring human migration to assessing the planet’s ant populations – and including the phenomena we have little control over such as lightning strikes or asteroid impact – each map asks you to question, wonder and look again at our rapidly changing and often surprising world.
Divided into three thematic sections: Land, Air and Sea; Human and Animal, and Globalisation, New Views offers a fresh and truly global portrait of our intricately fascinating planet.