სრულყოფილი გზა


“წიგნის მიზანია ცნობიერების ამაღლება და ტრანსფორმაცია, რომელიც საშუალებას მისცემს მკითხველს გამოიყენოს საკუთარ თავზე მუშაობის ინსტრუმენტად, რათა უკეთ შეიცნოს საკუთარი თავი და გააცნობიეროს, რომ ყველაფერი ჩვენშია და მხოლოდ ჩვენ შეგვიძლია, ვიყოთ საკუთარი თავის საუკეთესო ვერსია.
წიგნში განხილულია კვანტური/ენერგო-ინფორმაციული ველის შესახებ ინფორმაცია, ენერგიის არსი და მნიშვნელობა, ჩაკრალური სისტემა, ცნობიერის და ქვეცნობიერის არსი, იერარქიის კანონი, ბალანსის კანონი და ცხოვრების ოთხი მთავარი სფერო, დესტრუქციული პროგრამების, აზრების და ემოციების გავლენა ადამიანზე და სხვა. წიგნის ბოლო ნაწილში, აქცენტი გავაკეთეთ ჩვენს მთავარ სათქმელზე, რომელსაც ვუწოდეთ გზა ტრანსფორმაციამდე.
ჩვენი მიზანია, მკითხველს შევახსენოთ, რომ ბედნიერების, წარმატების, სიხარულის, ჰარმონიის სათავე ჩვენი „შინაგანი მე“ და განვლილი ცხოვრებაა. არსად არ უნდა ვეძებდეთ იმას, რაც უკვე ჩვენშია. ადამიანები არ ვცხოვრობთ სხვისი წესებით და სხვისი დაწერილი აზრების გათვალისწინებით, ჩვენ ვივითარებთ შინაგან ხედვას, ვითავისუფლებთ გზას შინაგან სამყარომდე, სადაც ყველაფერია, რაც კი ოდესმე წარსმოსახვაში, ფიქრებსა და ოცნებებში გვქონია. “

შინაგანი მოგზაურობა


“წიგნის მიზანია ცნობიერების ამაღლება და ტრანსფორმაცია, რომელიც საშუალებას მისცემს მკითხველს გამოიყენოს საკუთარ თავზე მუშაობის ინსტრუმენტად, რათა უკეთ შეიცნოს საკუთარი თავი და გააცნობიეროს, რომ ყველაფერი ჩვენშია და მხოლოდ ჩვენ შეგვიძლია, ვიყოთ საკუთარი თავის საუკეთესო ვერსია.
წიგნში განხილულია კვანტური/ენერგო-ინფორმაციული ველის შესახებ ინფორმაცია, ენერგიის არსი და მნიშვნელობა, ჩაკრალური სისტემა, ცნობიერის და ქვეცნობიერის არსი, იერარქიის კანონი, ბალანსის კანონი და ცხოვრების ოთხი მთავარი სფერო, დესტრუქციული პროგრამების, აზრების და ემოციების გავლენა ადამიანზე და სხვა. წიგნის ბოლო ნაწილში, აქცენტი გავაკეთეთ ჩვენს მთავარ სათქმელზე, რომელსაც ვუწოდეთ გზა ტრანსფორმაციამდე.
ჩვენი მიზანია, მკითხველს შევახსენოთ, რომ ბედნიერების, წარმატების, სიხარულის, ჰარმონიის სათავე ჩვენი „შინაგანი მე“ და განვლილი ცხოვრებაა. არსად არ უნდა ვეძებდეთ იმას, რაც უკვე ჩვენშია. ადამიანები არ ვცხოვრობთ სხვისი წესებით და სხვისი დაწერილი აზრების გათვალისწინებით, ჩვენ ვივითარებთ შინაგან ხედვას, ვითავისუფლებთ გზას შინაგან სამყარომდე, სადაც ყველაფერია, რაც კი ოდესმე წარსმოსახვაში, ფიქრებსა და ოცნებებში გვქონია. “

Антихрист. Ecce Homo


В сборнике представлены два произведения Фридриха Ницше – “Антихрист” и “Ecce Homo” – последние, написанные им до того, как безумие окончательно поглотило его разум.
“Антихрист” – скандальная книга, где Ницше ставит под вопрос сущность христианства, книга-протест против выбранного церковью пути. “Ecce Homo” – набор автобиографических заметок, написанных, по словам Ницше, за месяц.

Человеческое, слишком человеческое


“Человеческое, слишком человеческое” – произведение, важное с точки зрения развития творчества Ницше. В нем он переосмысливает значение своих идеалов и отказывается от них, разочаровывается в трудах своих кумиров. Ницше ищет свободу и освобождение от прописных истин и постепенно приходит к тем неординарным и эксцентричным мыслям, по которым мы его знаем в произведениях “Так говорил Заратустра” и “По ту сторону добра и зла”.

Так говорил Заратустра


“Так говорил Заратустра” – отчасти философский, отчасти поэтический трактат немецкого мыслителя Фридриха Ницше. Никогда не давая окончательных ответов, автор предоставляет возможность читателю разрешать нравственные и общечеловеческие вопросы.
Центральная тема книги – образ сверхчеловека, человека-творца, обладающего могущественной волей изменить мир. Сверхчеловек превосходит человека настолько же, насколько человек превосходит обезъяну.
Воспевая мысль о том, что каждый из нас должен идти своим путем, Ницше раскрывает в произведении свои мысли о том, какое место занимает человек в окружающем мире, обществе себе подобных и в отношениях с самим собой.



Платон – родоначальник европейской философии. Каждый кто собирается читать его диалоги, знает: из них вырос и загадочный неоплатонизм, и средневековая схоластика, и классическая философия. Зачастую древних авторов перестают читать, предполагая, что это потребует особой подготовки, однако диалоги Платона ошеломляют своей неожиданной простотой.
В настоящую книгу входит один из самых знаменитых диалогов Платона “Государство”, давно ставший классикой философской мысли. Сочинение посвящено проблемам устройства идеального государства, основанного на высшей справедливости. В нем также содержится критический анализ шести форм государства, размещенных автором последовательно – от наилучшего к худшему: монархия, аристократия, тимократия, олигархия, демократия и тирания.

Пять эссе на темы этики


В российской традиции нацизм зовется «фашизмом». Умберто Эко, культуролог, публицист и философ, не оспаривает терминологический разнобой. Наоборот, в ключевом эссе сборника он выделяет общие принципы для разных тоталитарных режимов и помогает заново осмыслить корни того, что называет «вечным фашизмом» в его исторических и, увы, современных проявлениях. Эта подборка эссе дает повод к размышлениям о ненависти, о войне, о религии — размышлениям, объединяющим тех, кому мир небезразличен, тех, кто сознает, что победа разума над регрессом никогда не окончательна и что внутренняя работа для каждого из нас всегда обязательна. Мораль ли, этика, совесть ли, нравственность, гражданственность — различие опять же только в терминах. Суть же одна: уроки истории полезны, лишь если люди не ленятся обдумывать их. А умственный труд бок о бок с Эко обычно не в тягость, беседа с ним — и радость, и развлечение.



გივი მარგველაშვილი (1927 – 2020) – მწერალი, ფილოსოფოსი, ენათმეცნიერი – დაიბადა 1927 წელს ბერლინში, ქართველი ემიგრანტების ოჯახში. მამა, ტიტე მარგველაშვილი, ისტორიკოსი და ფილოსოფოსი იყო. ის ბერლინის უნივერსიტეტში ლექციებს კითხულობდა და ქართულ ემიგრაციას ედგა სათავეში. 1946 წელს მამა-შვილი მარგველაშვილები საბჭოთა სპეცსამსახურმა მოიტაცა. მამა იმავე წლის შემოდგომაზე დახვრიტეს, ხოლო შვილი ზაქსენჰაუზენის საკონცენტრაციო ბანაკში თითქმის ორწლიანი პატიმრობის შემდეგ თბილისში გადმოიყვანეს. გივი მარგველაშვილი წლების მანძილზე ასწავლიდა გერმანულ და ინგლისურ ენებს თბილისის უცხო ენათა ინსტიტუტში, ხოლო 1971 წლიდან გერმანიაში დაბრუნებამდე მეცნიერებათა აკადემიის ფილოსოფიის ინსტიტუტში მუშაობდა.

რომან „მუცალს“ უმნიშვნელოვანესი ადგილი უჭირავს პოსტმოდერნისტულ ნაწარმოებთა შორის. ეს თხზულება 1991 წელს დაიბეჭდა გერმანიაში, ხოლო მისი ქართული თარგმანი 2001 წელს გამოიცა. რომან „მუცალისათვის“ ამოსავალ ტექსტებად იქცა „მერანი“ და „ალუდა ქეთელაური“.

მორალური წერილები ლუკილიუსს


„მორალური წერილები ლუკილიუსს“ ცნობილი რომაელი ფილოსოფოსის, პოეტის, სახელმწიფო მოღვაწის, სტოიციზმის ერთ-ერთი გამორჩეული წარმომადგენლის, ლუციუს ანეუს სენეკას (ძვ. წ. 4 – ახ. წ. 65) ნაშრომია. რომის იმპერიის ცნობილი პოეტისა და სახელმწიფო მოღვაწის, ლუკილიუს უმცროსისადმი გაგზავნილი წერილები ზნეობის საკითხებს ეხება. ავტორი მსჯელობს მეგობრობის, კეთილშობილების, თავისუფლების, სიკვდილ-სიცოცხლის შესახებ; გვთავაზობს რჩევებს, როგორ უნდა იცხოვროს ადამიანმა; ხსნის, რა არის ფილოსოფია და რას მატებს ის კაცთა მოდგმას.

მორალის გენეალოგიაზე


ეს წიგნი, რომელიც ქართულად პირველად ითარგმნა, ნათელს ჰფენს ფილოსოფიის, რელიგიის, კულტურისა და პოლიტიკის ყველაზე ძირეულ საკითხებს. ქართველი მკითხველისათვის განსაკუთრებით საინტერესო უნდა იყოს ქრისტიანობის და კულტურაში მისი როლის ნიცშესეული ანალიზი, მით უმეტეს, რომ ქართული მწერლობა და ფილოსოფია, საკმაო დოზით არის დავალებული ნიცშესგან.

On Anarchism


With the specter of anarchy being invoked by the Right to sow fear, a cogent explanation of the political philosophy known as anarchism has never been more urgently needed. In On Anarchism, radical linguist, philosopher, and activist Noam Chomsky provides it. Known for his brilliant evisceration of American foreign policy, state capitalism, and the mainstream media, Chomsky remains a formidable and unapologetic critic of established authority and perhaps the world’s most famous anarchist.

On Anarchism sheds a much-needed light on the foundations of Chomsky’s thought, specifically his constant questioning of the legitimacy of entrenched power. The book gathers his essays and interviews to provide a short, accessible introduction to his distinctively optimistic brand of anarchism. Chomsky eloquently refutes the notion of anarchism as a fixed idea, suggesting that it is part of a living, evolving tradition, and he disputes the traditional fault lines between anarchism and socialism, emphasizing the power of collective, rather than individualist, action.

Including a retrospective interview with Chomsky where the author assesses his writings on anarchism to date, this is a book that is sure to challenge, provoke, and inspire. Profoundly relevant to our times, On Anarchism is a touchstone for political activists and anyone interested in deepening their understanding of anarchism and the power of collective action.

The Varieties of Religious Experience


Is life worth living? Yes, a thousand times yes when the world still holds such spirits as Professor James.’ – Gertrude Stein

A classic of American thought, William James’ The Varieties of Religious Experience is an extraordinary study of human spirituality in all its forms and one of the most profound works of Psychology ever written. When the book was published in 1902 the study of the human mind was a thrillingly new field of scientific enquiry: James was one of the first to seriously examine the psychology of religious faith and where he led, both Jung and Freud would follow. Yet for all its historical significance, this is a book full of humanity, wit and some deeply personal stories of revelation, religious devotion and mystical experience.

The Routledge Classics edition of The Varieties of Religious Experience makes available in paperback for the first time the Centenary Edition published by Routledge in 2002 with new introductions on the historical and contemporary significance of James’ work and a foreword by the author’s grandson, Micky James.

The Birth of the Clinic


In this remarkable book Michel Foucault, one of the most influential thinkers of recent times, calls us to look critically at specific historical events in order to uncover new layers of significance. In doing so, he challenges our assumptions not only about history, but also about the nature of language and reason, even of truth. The scope of such an undertaking is vast, but by means of his uniquely engaging narrative style, Foucault’s penetrating gaze is skilfully able to confront our own. After reading his words our perceptions are never quite the same again.

Madness and Civilization


In this classic account of madness, Michel Foucault shows once and for all why he is one of the most distinguished European philosophers since the end of World War II. Madness and Civilization,Foucault’s first book and his finest accomplishment, will change the way in which you think about society. Evoking shock, pity and fascination, it might also make you question the way you think about yourself.

Waiting for God


You cannot get far in these essays without sensing yourself in the presence of a writer of immense intellectual power and fierce independence of mind.’ – Janet Soskice, from the Introduction to the Routledge Classics edition

Simone Weil (1909–1943) is one of the most brilliant and unorthodox religious and philosophical thinkers of the twentieth century. She was also a political activist who worked in the Renault car factory in France in the 1930s and fought briefly as an anarchist in the Spanish Civil War. Hailed by Albert Camus as ‘the only great spirit of our times,’ her work spans an astonishing variety of subjects, from ancient Greek philosophy and Christianity to oppression, political freedom and French national identity.

Waiting for God is one of her most remarkable books, full of piercing spiritual and moral insight. The first part comprises letters she wrote in 1942 to Jean-Marie Perrin, a Dominican priest, and demonstrate the intense inner conflict Weil experienced as she wrestled with the demands of Christian belief and commitment. She then explores the ‘just balance’ of the world, arguing that we should regard God as providing two forms of guidance: our ability as human beings to think for ourselves; and our need for both physical and emotional ‘matter.’ She also argues for the concept of a ‘sacred longing’; that humanity’s search for beauty, both in the world and within each other, is driven by our underlying desire for a tangible god.

Eloquent and inspiring, Waiting for God asks profound questions about the nature of faith, doubt and morality that continue to resonate today.

This Routledge Classics edition includes a new Introduction by Janet Soskice and retains the Foreword to the 1979 edition by Malcolm Muggeridge.

The Need for Roots


Hailed by Andre Gide as the patron saint of all outsiders, Simone Weil’s short life was ample testimony to her beliefs. In 1942 she fled France along with her family, going firstly to America. She then moved back to London in order to work with de Gaulle. Published posthumously The Need for Roots was a direct result of this collaboration. Its purpose was to help rebuild France after the war. In this, her most famous book, Weil reflects on the importance of religious and political social structures in the life of the individual. She wrote that one of the basic obligations we have as human beings is to not let another suffer from hunger. Equally as important, however, is our duty towards our community: we may have declared various human rights, but we have overlooked the obligations and this has left us self-righteous and rootless. She could easily have been issuing a direct warning to us today, the citizens of Century 21.

Man Meets Dog


In this wonderful book, the famous scientist and best-selling author, Konrad Lorenz, ‘the man who talked with animals’, enlightens and entertains us with his illustrated account of the unique relationship between humans and their pets. Displaying Lorenz’s customary humanity and expert knowledge of animals, Man Meets Dog is also a deeply personal and entertaining account of his relationships with his own four-legged friends. With charming sketches on almost every page, Man Meets Dog offers a delightful insight into animal and human thinking and feeling. An essential companion for all lovers of dogs (and cats!).



Descartes has often been called the ‘father of modern philosophy’. His attempts to find foundations for knowledge, and to reconcile the existence of the soul with the emerging science of his time, are among the most influential and widely studied in the history of philosophy. This is a classic and challenging introduction to Descartes by one of the most distinguished modern philosophers. Bernard Williams not only analyzes Descartes’ project of founding knowledge on certainty, but uncovers the philosophical motives for his search. With acute insight, he demonstrates how Descartes’ Meditations are not merely a description but the very enactment of philosophical thought and discovery. Williams covers all of the key areas of Descartes’ thought, including God, the will, the possibility of knowledge, and the mind and its place in nature. He also makes profound contributions to the theory of knowledge, metaphysics and philosophy generally.

With a new foreword by John Cottingham.

Keeping Faith


The sheer range of West’s interests and insights is staggering and exemplary: he appears equally comfortable talking about literature, ethics, art, jurisprudence, religion, and popular-cultural forms.’ – Artforum

Keeping Faith is a rich, moving and deeply personal collection of essays from one of the leading African American intellectuals of our age. Drawing upon the traditions of Western philosophy and modernity, Cornel West critiques structures of power and oppression as they operate within American society and provides a way of thinking about human dignity and difference afresh. Impressive in its scope, West confidently and deftly explores the politics and philosophy of America, the role of the black intellectual, legal theory and the future of liberal thought, and the fate of African Americans. A celebration of the extraordinary lives of

The Philosophy of ‘As If’


Hans Vaihinger (1852–1933) was an important and fascinating figure in German philosophy in the early twentieth century, founding the well-known journal Kant-Studien. Yet he was overshadowed by the burgeoning movements of phenomenology and analytical philosophy, as well as hostility towards his work because of his defense of Jewish scholars in a Germany controlled by Nazism.

However, it is widely acknowledged today that The Philosophy of ‘As If’ is a philosophical masterwork. Vaihinger argues that in the face of an overwhelmingly complex world, we produce a simpler set of ideas, or idealizations, that help us negotiate it. When cast as fictions, such ideas provide an easier and more useful way to think about certain subjects, from mathematics and physics to law and morality, than would the truth in all its complexity. Even in science, he wrote, we must proceed “as if ” a material world exists independently of perceiving subjects; in behaviour, we must act “as if ” ethical certainty were possible; in religion, we must believe “as if” there were a God. He also explores the role of fictions in the history of philosophy, going back to the ancient Greeks and the work of Leibniz, Adam Smith and Bentham.

The Philosophy of ‘As If’ was a powerful influence on the emerging philosophical movement of pragmatism and was groundbreaking in its anticipation of the central role that model-building and simulation would come to play in the human sciences.

This Routledge Classics edition includes a new foreword by Michael A. Rosenthal, which provides a fascinating and important background to Vaihinger’s life and the legacy of The Philosophy of ‘As If’.

A Short History of Modern Philosophy


Discover for yourself the pleasures of philosophy! Written both for the seasoned student of philosophy as well as the general reader, the renowned writer Roger Scruton provides a survey of modern philosophy. Always engaging, Scruton takes us on a fascinating tour of the subject, from founding father Descartes to the most important and famous philosopher of the twentieth century, Ludwig Wittgenstein. He identifies all the principal figures as well as outlines of the main intellectual preoccupations that have informed western philosophy. Painting a portrait of modern philosophy that is vivid and animated, Scruton introduces us to some of the greatest philosophical problems invented in this period and pursued ever since. Including material on recent debates, A Short History of Modern Philosophy is already established as the classic introduction. Read it and find out why.

The Prospects of Industrial Civilization


First published in 1923, The Prospects of Industrial Civilization is considered the most ambitious of Bertrand Russell’s works on modern society. It offers a rare glimpse into often-ignored subtleties of his political thought and in it he argues that industrialism is a threat to human freedom, since it is fundamentally linked with nationalism. His proposal for one government for the whole world as the ultimate solution, along with his argument that the global village and prevailing political democracy should be its eventual results, is both provocative and thoroughly engaging.

The Analysis of Mind


Bertrand Russell wrote The Analysis of Mind during one of the most turbulent periods of his life. He began it in 1918 whilst in in prison in London for his opposition to the First World War, and completed it in Peking (now Beijing) in 1921, where he had been giving lectures at the National University.

It is a vital book for understanding Russell’s philosophy. He argues for a fresh conception of the mind, provided by his eclectic fusion of William James’s ‘neutral monism’; the emerging theory of behaviourism, to which Russell was strongly drawn; and his own new causal theory of meaning. As such, The Analysis of Mind built a foundation for the distinctive brand of much of his later philosophical writing. In his customary sharp prose, Russell explores fundamental questions about the mind, including desire and feeling; the vexed relationship between psychological and physical laws; sensations and mental images; memory; belief; and emotions and the will.

This Routledge Classics edition includes an Introduction by Thomas Baldwin.

The Analysis of Matter


The Analysis of Matter is the product of thirty years of thinking by one of the twentieth century’s best-known philosophers. An inquiry into the philosophical foundations of physics, it was written against the background of stunning new developments in physics earlier in the century, above all relativity, as well as the excitement around quantum theory, which was just being developed.

Concerned to place physics on a stable footing at a time of great theoretical change, Russell argues that the concept of matter itself can be replaced by a logical construction whose basic foundations are events. He is careful to point out that this does not prove that matter does not exist, but it does show that physicists can get on with their work without assuming that matter does exist. Russell argues that fundamental bits of ”matter”, such as electrons and protons, are simply groups of events connected in a certain way and their properties are all that are required for physics.

This Routledge Classics edition includes the 1992 Introduction by John G. Slater.

Our Knowledge of the External World


Our Knowledge of the External World isa compilation of lectures Bertrand Russell delivered in the US in which he questions the very relevance and legitimacy of philosophy. In it he investigates the relationship between ‘individual’ and ‘scientific’ knowledge and questions the means in which we have come to understand our physical world. This is an explosive and controversial work that illustrates instances where the claims of philosophers have been excessive, and examines why their achievements have not been greater.

My Philosophical Development


My Philosophical Development is Russell’s intellectual autobiography and provides a fascinating insight into the extraordinary energy and philosophical ambition that saw him write over 40 books. As well as offering some fascinating glimpses into the changing nature of his philosophical beliefs, Russell also reflects on the fundamental themes that governed his thinking in later life.

Beginning with an account of his decisive turn against the philosophical idealism that was prevalent in Cambridge at the turn of the century, Russell takes us through his engagement with the foundations of mathematics and the writing, with A.N. Whitehead, of Principia Mathematica. Russell also provides important insights into his theory of knowledge and the mind and conscious experience, before finishing with reflections on his work on language, universals and particulars and his theory of truth.

An ideal philosophical companion to Russell’s own Autobiography, My Philosophical Development is testament to one of the greatest minds of the 20th century.

Human Society in Ethics and Politics


First published in 1954, Human Society in Ethics and Politics is Bertrand Russell’s last full account of his ethical and political positions relating to both politics and religion. Ethics, he argues, are necessary to man because of the conflict between intelligence and impulse – if one were without the other, there would be no place for ethics. Man’s impulses and desires are equally social and solitary. Politics and ethics are the means by which we as a society and as individuals become socially purposeful and moral codes inculcate our rules of action.

Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits


How do we know what we “know”? How did we –as individuals and as a society – come to accept certain knowledge as fact? In Human Knowledge, Bertrand Russell questions the reliability of our assumptions on knowledge. This brilliant and controversial work investigates the relationship between ‘individual’ and ‘scientific’ knowledge. First published in 1948, this provocative work contributed significantly to an explosive intellectual discourse that continues to this day.

Freedom and Organization


Written by one of the twentieth century’s most significant thinkers, Freedom and Organization, is considered to be Bertrand Russell’s major work on political history. It traces the main causes of political change during a period of one hundred years, which he argues were predominantly influenced by three major elements – economic technique, political theory and certain significant individuals. In the witty, approachable style that has made Bertrand Russell’s works so revered, he explores in detail the major forces and events that shaped the nineteenth century.

Fact and Fiction


First published in 1961, Fact and Fiction is a collection of Bertrand Russell’s essays that reflect on the books and writings that influenced his life, including fiction, essays on politics and education, divertissements and parables. Also broaching on the highly controversial issues of war and peace, it is in this classic collection that Russell states some of his most famous pronouncements on nuclear warfare and international relations. It is a remarkable book that provides valuable insight into the range of interests and depth of convictions of one of the world’s greatest philosophers.

The World of Parmenides


With a new foreword by Scott Austin

‘I hope that these essays may illustrate the thesis that all history is or should be the history of problem situations, and that in following this principle we may further our understanding of the Presocratics and other thinkers of the past. The essays also try to show the greatness of the early Greek philosophers, who gave Europe its philosophy, its science, and its humanism.’ – Karl Popper, from the preface

The World of Parmenides is a brilliant exploration of the complexity of ancient Greek thought and science by one of the twentieth century’s leading philosophers. It reveals the great importance of Presocratic philosophy to Popper’s thought as a whole and shows the profound enlightenment he experienced reading not only Parmenides but the wider world of Greek science and philosophy including Xenophanes and Heraclitus.

Edited by Arne F. Petersen, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen.

Conjectures and Refutations


Conjectures and Refutations is one of Karl Popper’s most wide-ranging and popular works, notable not only for its acute insight into the way scientific knowledge grows, but also for applying those insights to politics and to history. It provides one of the clearest and most accessible statements of the fundamental idea that guided his work: not only our knowledge, but our aims and our standards, grow through an unending process of trial and error.